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Winter Care For Hair

Wearing a hijab does not mean we should care less for our hair health!

Some of us work, attend full-time school or university, or live with our in-laws, and as "hijabis," we spend the vast majority of our time wearing a hijab full-time. Our hair rarely gets a glimpse of day.

So, set out a day or two during the week to nourish your hair. Especially now that winter has here, the worst season for hair and skin dryness!

Here are three essential tips to care for your hair during winter season:

1 - Do not wash your hair everyday!

The use of hot water on your hair on a regular basis will cause harm to your hair and scalp. This is because hot water opens your pores and can dry out your hair, resulting in hair loss or fragile weak hair. Keep hair wash to either once or twice a week (depends on how quick you hair gets greasy).

If it's hair washing day, rinse your hair with cold water at the end of the shower. (I know, cold water on hair on a cold morning sounds awful..) This method not only closes your pores but also adds shine to  your locks!

Second, frequent hair washing can dry out your hair by removing more natural oil than is necessary, making it more fragile and prone to breaking, which raises the possibility of developing split ends.

2. Wear Satin Lined Undercaps

See this product in the original post

Girl, if you haven't already changed to Satin lined caps, do it now!

Satin has proven benefits. If your hair gets frizzy - switch to satin.

If your hair is prone to breakage especially if you are still wearing cotton undercap - switch to satin!

Cotton undercap is known to absorb all the moisture of the hair. As mentioned above, dry hair leads to hair breakage.

Hair loss will result from constant hair breakage. This occurs because hair breakage develops fine hair, which eventually leads to weak hair follicles. When the root becomes too weak, the hair may stop growing, resulting in bald areas.

Satin material is gentle on your hair and will not pull on your hair when you take off your cap..

3. Oiling your hair

Oiling your hair has been practiced for centuries in the South Asian community.

It is recommended that you apply oil to your hair once or twice a week. Preferably on the day you wash your hair.

The benefits of oiling your hair is that it can hydrate your hair.

Apply warmed up oil to your hair since it can open pores and penetrate into the hair shafts, leaving your scalp deeply moisturised.

Make sure to massage the oil into your scalp for a few minutes to really stimulate the circulation. This can help with hair growth.

So there you go, those are my tips to care for your hair and scalp. Do let me know through the comments if I have missed any other essential care tips!